

Kent Ridge Park

今天又去跑Kent Ridge Park的路线了。还是太久没跑了,整个路程都感到好累。进入Park的时候有一个很长,很陡的坡。跑上去的时候感觉好像在只用双腿让自己垂直上升。跑完之后,小腿还疼了好长一会时间。还好全程都没有走,难受的时候也只是放缓速度,保持了我跑步时的一贯作风,哈哈。回来之后用google earth测量了一下全程大概6K吧,我花了将近40分钟跑。很显然这个太慢了,尽管中间有坡路。

最近在考虑要不要加入MR25。据说这个是新加坡最大的跑步爱好者协会。为了保证自己的声誉,他们对会员都要求非常严格。每个月基本上都会有一次长跑在麦里芝蓄水池,其中会有time trial,并将成绩等到网站上。看了一下,12月份的那次最快的5K跑了18分钟,最慢的也有23分钟,水平还是有点高的相对于普通的群众性组织。里面有一个elite squad,一共30个人。都是每年选上达标的人。只有elite squad里的人才能代表MR25参加公开的比赛。如果参加MR25的话,我肯定是想要进这个squad的。虽然有会费,但不是很贵,一年20块。不过我还是有点犹豫,主要是在想时间问题。因为每次比赛在麦里芝蓄水池,离NUS太远了。恩。。再犹豫几天吧。


Seven signs you're a healthy man

To test your fitness, you don't have to run for miles or do 200 push-ups.

Experts say that the average person should be able to walk a mile in 15 minutes, carry two bags of shopping to the car, and climb the stairs in a house without getting breathless.

But that doesn't take into account age or gender. More specifically, a 30-year-old man with above average strength and fitness should be able to do over 25 push-ups in a minute and over 35 squats.

Vital signs
As long as you have a watch and the ability to count, you can measure a couple of your vital signs from the comfort of your armchair.

A resting pulse of around 70 beats per minute and a respiratory rate of around 16-20 breaths per minute don't make you an athlete, but they do make you a normal, healthy adult.

Men don't pay much attention to their fingernails, but they can give vital clues to general health.

Yellow nails are suggestive of respiratory disease, spoon-like nails curving outwards can mean iron deficiency anaemia, and lines going across the nails may be a symptom of diabetes.

Go to the doctor if there's any major change in the look or feel of your fingernails. Firm, pink nails, on the other hand, can be evidence of a decent general level of health.

Toilet time
If you're about to have lunch, it might be wise to skip this bit till you've finished. In a word, we're talking stools, because stools can speak volumes about overall health.

It's not so much how often you pass them that's important (unless this suddenly changes) - once a day, three times a day, or even every other day can all be healthy depending on the individual - but consistency and colour.

A good stool is torpedo shaped, soft and easy to pass. Colour can depend on what you've eaten, but it shouldn't generally be grey, very pale, too dark or bright red. A mid-brown stool, passed easily and regularly without any sudden change in bowel habits is one sign of decent digestive health.

And to continue the theme, if you have pale yellow pee you're drinking enough fluids and - in the absence of other symptoms - probably don't have any urinary tract infections.

A good colour is also a sign that your liver is working efficiently. Don't worry if you drink a lot of water and you're urine turns almost clear - apart from the inconvenience of all those trips to the toilet, that's no problem.

A darker yellow probably just means you've been drinking less - drink more to avoid the symptoms of dehydration.
But dark or red-tinged urine - or pee with a sweet or strange odour - can be a symptom of health problems.

Shiny, healthy hair
A fine and luscious head of shiny hair not only looks good, it's also a sign that good things are happening in your body.

In particular, healthy hair can be a sign of a healthy diet. Dull, dry and brittle hair can be caused by a lack or protein, vitamin E or essential fatty acids. Hair so healthy women want to run their fingers through it may be evidence that you're absorbing plenty of body-friendly nutrients.

Doctors can tell a lot from your tongue.

A tongue with a warm, pinkish colour is one clue that you are absorbing sufficient iron, folic acid and vitamin B12.
An overly pale and smooth tongue can be a sign of anaemia, while a yellowish tint can suggest fungal infection.